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How to Connect Your Accounts Across Multiple Academies and Easily Switch Between Them

Learn the simple process to connect multiple academy accounts to your primary email and switch between them using the App Switcher.

app-switcherGain control and streamline the administration of multiple Gainsight CE academies through a unified account management system. By connecting your accounts, you maintain seamless access to various academies with a single primary email address. This simplifies not just management but also the user experience by allowing you to switch between accounts with ease.

Step by step guide

Step 1: Log in to your primary account

Log in with the credentials to an account you want to use as your primary one going forward.

Step 2: Access the Connect Accounts section

Click on your user menu in the top-right corner and select Manage Account. There, navigate to the Connect Accounts tab.

Step 3: Connect an account from another academy you manage

Enter the email address of an administrator/manager account in another Gainsight CE academy that you wish to access using your primary account.

Click Request connection email to initiate the process.

Step 4: Confirm the account connection

Look for a connection request in the inbox of the secondary account's email.

Follow the provided instructions to complete connecting the account. Note: This action cannot be reverted.

Step 5: Navigate between accounts

Now you can use the App Switcher to toggle between your linked accounts with ease! You should see it in the top-right corner of your admin panel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does connecting my accounts combine them into one profile?

No, each account will maintain its individual data.

Can I unlink an account in the future?

It is not possible to unlink accounts once connected. Please be certain about your choice of primary account and the accounts you choose to link.

Can I link multiple accounts?

You can link multiple accounts, by following the same process for each of them. To ensure security and accuracy, you can only link one Gainsight CE account at a time.

What if I want to have an account created in another academy that already exists? Will I have to connect my new accounts every time?

No, all it takes for the account to be displayed in App Switcher is to create it with the same email address as used by your primary one.