Course Popularity

If you ever wondered about the popularity of your courses - this report is for you!

What is the Course Popularity Report?

This report shows the overall popularity of courses based on completion rate. It can help you track your best-performing courses and see, which courses need more attention.

How to run the Course Popularity report?

The dashboard displays results for the last 30 days by default, but that number can be adjusted. Remember to click on the refresh button on the right after changing the date range.


You can also download data from an individual dashboard tile. We offer the following download formats:


  • TXT (tab-separated values)

  • Excel Spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later)

  • CSV

  • JSON

  • HTML

  • Markdown

  • PNG (Image of Visualization)


You can also download the entire report by opening the Dashboard menu under 3 dots in the top right corner and clicking Download. You can choose the format of the file (PDF or CSV), and adjust some of its settings.