Multiple Quiz Raw Answers Dashboard

Breakdown the data of your learners' raw quiz answers, including multiple choice answers and short answer submissions.

What this report is all about:

Take a deep dive into how your learners answered questions across multiple quizzes.


Useful terminology-

  • Learner details
    For your school, the learner details are as follows
    Column 1: Learner first and last name Column 2: Learner email

  • Quiz Name
    This represents the name of the quiz that was set when you created a quiz

  • Activity Title
    This represents the name of the activity where the quiz was taken. Since a quiz can be used in multiple places, this column represents where this result took place.

  • Course Name
    This represents the name of the course where the quiz was taken. Since a quiz can be used in multiple places, this column represents where this result took place.

  • Question Number
    This represents which question this is in the quiz. For example, question number 2.

  • Question Text
    This represents the question text that was presented to the learner.

  • Response
    This represents the response that the user selected (for multiple choice) or typed (for short answer).

  • Marked Correct
    This represents whether the learner got the answer correct or not.

  • Date Answered
    This represents the date when the learner submitted this answer.

How to Run this Report:

If you want to search for a specific learner's quiz answers, use the Search Bar on the left side of your screen.


By default, the results are filtered by a one-week date range. To change/add filters, click the Filter drop-down menu next to the Search Bar. Click Apply.


To sort the data table, click the column you'd like to sort by in the top row.


As you scroll through the results, you will be able to see the question that the user was asked, as well as the response they give & whether or not their response was correct.


Click on the Send to email button at the top right to receive a .csv export of the data. Once this button is triggered, an email will be sent to the email address associated with the account that you are signed into.